What valuable insights can be gleaned from the ongoing WGA strike? Is it feasible for writers to negotiate agreements directly with specific studios rather than going through the AMPTP? How can you effectively boost morale and establish the daily atmosphere on a film or television set?

The Secrets to a Happy Set (Plus Strike Updates!)
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What valuable insights can be gleaned from the ongoing WGA strike? Is it feasible for writers to negotiate agreements directly with specific studios rather than going through the AMPTP? How can you effectively boost morale and establish the daily atmosphere on a film or television set?

In the latest installment, Charles Haine, GG Hawkins, and Jason Hellerman from No Film School delve into the following topics:
- The merits of employing a divide-and-conquer strategy against adversaries
- The potential influence of dwindling stock numbers in motivating executives to resolve the strike
- The advantages of prioritizing rest and providing quality catering during production
- Strategic planning for downtime and engaging in non-film related activities
- The significance of investing in a skilled fixer during the production phase
- Effective methods for setting the daily ambiance on the set
- Personal anecdotes and insights from working on quiet film sets
- Coping strategies for navigating challenging days on set
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