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AE Script – ShapeMonkey V1.0 – Free Download
Compatible for After Effects CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6
ShapeMonkey is a fast and intuitive way to automatically create shape-based animations in After Effects.
If you have experience creating dynamic graphic animations with shape layers, you know that it’s a powerful feature. However, it can take a while to understand how everything works. It can also become difficult to navigate – each shape layer may have multiple transform controls, each buried in its own sub-category.
ShapeMonkey is built to make working with shape layers much simpler. Designed for easy experimentation and quick iterations, there are no limits to the animations you can create.

- Unique and powerful animation system
- Modular Preset Shapes
- Use your own shape layer
- Works with Text and Vectors too
- Dozens of Interpolation combinations
- Easy shape treatment options
- Preset Palettes
- Automatic Palette animation
- Imports .ase files
- Instant Radial Array
- Multiple Transition types
- Dozens of Preset Animations & Effects
- Marker Sync for triggering to beats
- Save & Load projects
- Psuedo Effects give you additional controls
- Turbulence and Drift options for organic movement
- Dynamically linked markers for easy timing adjustments
- Check out the FAQ

About Monkey Scripts:
The Monkey Scripts are designed with both the novice and professional in mind. They can save hours, or even days of work by helping to automate the creation of motion graphics. In a world of shrinking budgets and tight deadlines, Monkey Scripts are an indispensable part of any designers toolkit.
Whats the difference between Monkeys?

TypeMonkey has a unique algorithm that simulates a “2D staircase” design that is popular in kinetic typography. Our best selling product.
CircusMonkey creates and animates type. It specializes in complex 3D text layouts using 7 different algorithms that can be adjusted via effects controls after the build.
LayerMonkey uses the same layout algorithm as TypeMonkey, but it works with any type of layer – video, pre-comps, graphics, whatever. However, it won’t generate text like CircusMonkey or TypeMonkey. Text has to be prepared manually in Illustrator, Photoshop.
MotionMonkey is a whole other animal. It has a much more complex and versatile animation system then the others, but it doesn’t create a layout, text or generate an animated camera like the others. It’s ideal for layered artwork where the layout has already been designed.
MonkeyCam Pro Is a more powerful version of the camera thats included in most of the others. Its a standalone product but can also be used in conjuntion with any of the other monkeys.
MonkeyBars specializes in creating text box animations, the kind used in viral videos, info graphics, lower third supers, and subtitles. Great if you do high volume work.
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